asia dive news

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Site guide in Anilao

Finally, the most awaited event of the year is just around the corner. The Sinulog buzz is in the air as bazaars have finally lined up the streets and selling everybody’s favorite goods.
We can all see (and feel) it now. The sea of people, the addicting beats, the humid air, the sticky feel of sweat […]



Official News in Diving


Fish vanishing from Southeast Asian oceans
Southeast Asia's oceans are fast running out of fish, putting the livelihoods of up to 100 million people at risk and increasing the need for governments to support the maintenance of fish stocks, an Australian expert said. (Nov 15, 07)

Philippines bans fishing to revive its biggest reef
The Philippines has tightened laws banning fishing and collecting of species on the country's largest coral reef to help it recover from near destruction. (Oct 4, 07)

Chinese poachers caught in the Philippines with endangered marine turtles
Local authorities patrolling the Sulu Archipelago in the southwest Philippines apprehended a Chinese fishing vessel with a cache of illegally caught marine turtles. (Sep 17, 07)

Indo-Pacific coral reef loss at unprecedented levels
Pacific coral reefs are dying at an unprecedented rate, scientists have found. Almost 600 square miles of reef have disappeared every year since the late 1960s - twice the rate of rainforest loss. (Aug 8, 07)

Over 5,000 crown of thorns starfish collected in Philippines
A countrywide drive in the Philippines to stop an infestation of coral-eating starfish has resulted in the removal of thousands of crown of thorns starfish (COTS) within the vicinity of the largest coral reef in the country and the second largest in the world, the Apo Reef in Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro. (Jul 5, 07)

Whaleshark draws tourists to remote corner of Philippines
The enormous grey whale shark glides effortlessly in the murky waters off Donsol in the eastern Philippines, its distinctive pale yellow spotted back and fins clearly visible as excited tourists prepare to enter the water from nearby outrigger canoes. (Jul 05, 07)

Verde Island diving... a gem in the Philippines
Philippines' Verde Island diving is a location where you can enjoy awesome scuba diving and when not on a dive wander the beach and discover pieces of porcelain from a Spanish Galleon shipwrecked centuries before. (Jun 29, 07)


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